Enrolment procedures for all year levels
We value every student and family that joins Kingston State College, therefore we conduct an enrolment interview for every new member of the school to ensure all your questions are answered and all needs addressed.
To enrol at Kingston State College you will need to contact us via phone, email or in person to arrange to receive an enrolment pack that contains the appropriate handbook. Once all forms are completed this needs to be returned to the school office and an enrolment interview time will be made with the Guidance Officer.
Prior to the enrolment interview all students are provided with a subject selection booklet. Parents/guardians are asked to peruse this book with the student and discuss the subjects on offer so any questions you may have can be answered during the interview.
The following documents are required at the time of the enrolment interview:
- student’s birth certificate
- passport and relevant visa if coming from overseas
- student’s most recent two school reports.
The interview takes approximately 30 minutes and uniforms can be purchased and school fees paid at the conclusion of the interview.