Kingston Learning College
School of Excellence in Re-engagement
Kingston Learning College has a proven reputation as a destination school of “Excellence in Re-engagement”. As both a
School of Re-engagement and an Education Queensland Mature Age Secondary School, we are responsible for continually
growing the strength and integrity of our College for a wide range of students. To facilitate this, we offer a supportive and
nurturing environment, while maintaining a clear and respectful adult ethos.
The College continues to embrace many new opportunities whilst broadening the pathways we offer our students.
KLC gives all individuals a second chance to strengthen and grow into creative, empowered, resilient people who stepup, show compassion, and strive for on-going success and happiness.
Curriculum and Pedagogy
KLC delivers high quality learning opportunities and is aligned with the P-10 Australian Curriculum and with the
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) for senior curriculum offerings. Areas of strength include:
Focus on core subjects (English, Mathematics and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications) to enable
students to balance life, family and work commitments
Senior subjects: A range of QCAA General and Essential subjects and VET qualifications are offered including
General English, Essential English, General Mathematics, Essential Mathematics, Psychology, Certificate II in Skills
for Work and Vocational Pathways, and a wide range of VETis funded Certificate II qualifications
Junior subjects: English, Mathematics, Kickstart (pre Year 10), and Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational
Beginner English class for students with English as a second language or dialect
Fast-tracked courses allowing students to quickly gain qualifications necessary to obtain employment or enter
further study
Individualised pathways of learning for students aged 15+ with personalised support
Quality professional development to enhance learning outcomes for all students. This includes a common
framework for teaching and learning (The Art and Science of Teaching)
Teachers use a range of strategies specifically designed to support students re-engaging with education, which
Focus on student wellbeing
Longer lessons, smaller classes, higher proportion of teaching support staff
Regular movement for students
Targeted use of flexible learning spaces
Outdoor spaces
Hands-on, project-based learning
Structured and supported peer collaboration
Clear establishment and communication of learning goals and the criteria for success
How, What and Why model. At the heart of all our curriculum offerings we encourage students to at all times
understand ‘How’ and ‘What’ they are learning and most importantly ‘Why’ they are learning about each topic
they study.