Kingston State College is committed to ensuring all members of the school community have a safe and enjoyable online experience. Further information in relation to Cybersafety is made available to parents and students throughout the school year in the form of parent information sessions, school newsletters, targeted lessons, parent and student workshops and the school website.
Teachers at Kingston State College utilise Apple Classroom to allow them to easily monitor student iPad use while in the classroom environment. Within the Apple Classroom environment, teachers can monitor Bluetooth connected iPads, create workgroups, assign and share class activities and track students' progress.
Prior to determining the use of digital resources, teachers conduct a risk assessment in order to inform of any associated risks in relation to student e-safety and privacy. Teachers develop and implement strategies for mitigating such risks.
Tips and advice on what parents and guardians need to know, including online safety basics, good habits, privacy and the hard-to-have conversations is made available by the e-safety commissioner at
We recommend that for maximum security:
- Password or network key protection is enabled on all home and mobile WiFi networks
- Privacy and parental restrictions are password protected
- A passcode is set and not shared with others